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A Retrospective - 1975 -1982 Click the picture to view more works

After graduating in July 1974, I experimented more and more with what I saw as  Modernism: that is its main strands: Cubism and Abstract Expressionism. This led me to a technique which I discovered much later resembled a method of working in semi-abstraction that Patrick Heron used very successfully in the 1950s and had called “transparent form”, denying any solidity to, say, the figure, I was brought back to the flatness of my surface and moved in and out of abstraction, while still maintaining a technique of drawing on what was  in front of my eyes directly onto a large canvas.
From 1978, however, I had started to draw from my imagination. Before travelling to my studio, while at home, I would draw onto a layout pad, without any preconceptions or intentions. These drawings were more indeterminate than anything I had done before, and it was through these drawings that a technique of grabbing images out of thin air began. Though a less abstract content resulted,the pictorial space was still of a flat, decorative nature.


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